We propose to your attention an objective information and comments of the situation connected with an attempt on A.Tuleev's life in preparation of which Russian entrepreneur M. Zhivilo is accused.

Russian version


At our disposal there are some materials about the resonant attempt. These materials reflect an opinion of Internal Affairs Department's employee, having a long-years experience in operational activity.

The given information is interesting because of being based on the principals of formal logics, it makes a reader to analyze the events and doesn't contain indelicate wordings.





Don't blame the mirror if you are ugly

(Russian folk saying)

Today a Russian entrepreneur Michail Zhivilo, accused of preparing an attempt on Tuleev's life, is staying in a French prison. "Novaya Gazetta" (Russia) published an article "Zhivilo as a mirror of Russian mafia". This material is, undoubtedly as a matter of fact, questionable. But its title, strange as it may seem, is right. Michail Zhivilo can be really called a mirror of Russian mafia as he had to try on himself all the forth of criminal structures and his fortune, as a mirror, has reflected everything that these structures do.

"Nobody can be accused of a crime in any way as only by court" is proclaimed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation. But any citizen of Russia can be appointed as a guilty person if there is a will of people concerned, who have money and relations in law-enforcement agencies. And what about a court? A court can change its opinion in unchangeability of law for a night (it was in NTV case when in the evening the judge had made a decision and in the morning he with his own hand canceled his "evening" decision and made a new one). Probably at nights a lucid moment happens with judges and feeling for law and order changes in miraculous manner.

Today it is the time of dirty technologies in Russia. Up to the recently the dirty technologies have been applied only during elections but now these dirty technologies of special departments which were limited and applied only to malicious and uncontrolled criminal elements who couldn't be stopped in other ways, have appeared. You can not read about these methods neither in the Law "On operational search activity" nor in the instruction for operational employees. We say about secret methods. Any experienced operational employee can prove the existence of such methods if he is sincere. That is, if he professionally puts stealthily some drugs, then professionally confiscates them and documents the fact of confiscation, attracts some false witnesses, if he needs, the court will make a guilty verdict to the innocent person which was put stealthily drugs. Why? Because all procedurally documents were made irreproachably, there are witnesses. But the court doesn't know that the drugs were put stealthily and witnesses mainswear. And if a miracle lucid moment comes to the judge, then there will be no problems with conviction. The things will be going swimmingly.

But this is the most inoffensive method. There is one more, for instance. There is a circle of people that are under control of special departments - either the special service has a compromised information about these people, or there are some materials witnessed about complicity of these people in a grave crimes, a murder, for instance. The mentioned circle can be enlarged with the help of arrested villains who are interested in more comfortable conditions of their serving a term of imprisonment. This is on the one hand. On the other hand there is a person who has to be neutralized by being taken to the prison. All the components of a dangerous mixture exist. Then, after the mutually beneficial collaboration, somebody from the first category of people testify that absolutely innocent person ordered them to kill a man. But they gave themselves up and this innocent person, on the base of false witness, turned into a suspect, accused and at last defendant.

In such cases it is necessary to pay attention to demonstrative evidences and to the witnesses' personality.

Besides the task of any justice is to prevent the criminal activity and to expose guilty people.

A special attention should be paid to prevent a criminal activity, not a crime. An example. An operational employee knew through his intelligence network that a residential burglary would take place on the 10-th at 3 a.m. If he at once arrests the criminals he will prevent the crime but he will not prevent the criminal activity as he can not catch the criminals in a crime and bare intent isn't tried. That is why the arrest, according to operational activity, will take place only when the criminals are leaving the flat with stolen things, not before it. Only in that case the guilty people will be caught in a crime and the criminal activity will be prevented as all guilty people find themselves in the places of imprisonment.

Besides any investigator knows that demonstrative evidence plays very important role in the process of proof, as any witness can change his testimony but demonstrative evidence can not change its essence and form. That is why the investigator will strive for securing of accuse with the help of demonstrative evidence. Unscrupulous people are even ready to put stealthily some material evidence (e.g. drugs or murder weapon, a knife, a gun , a poison).

Thus analyzing the situation with Michail Zhivilo from the point of view of operational search activity we can say with confidence it is a fictitious thing.

First of all the inquiry declared that the performer of the future murder addressed to them with the aim of prevention it. That is investigators had possibilities to control the crime and prevent in at any moment. The question is why didn't special services wait the poison transmission (passing on) and the moment of money transferring to strengthen their accuse with the help of demonstrative evidence?

The second point is that the main testimony in this case according to official statement is A.Tichonov's brother's one. Victor Tichonov is a man with doubtful reputation from some Novosibirsk "mates". And in addition, just in case, there are some testimonies of some Russian criminals which are now imprisoned (held) in an American prison for some other reason. Doesn't it resemble to you one of the above mentioned technologies as to the "witnesses" of "accusation"?

The third point is why did M.Zhivilo supposedly wishing to poison A.Tuleev, addressed to biatlonist A.Tichonov? And if M.Zhivilo wished to shoot A.Tuleev he would address to a cook? May be it happened because there is no a relative who has gone to seed among other people of Zhivilo's nearest surrounding, the relative who is ready to give necessary testimony in Novosibirsk oblast with "tamed" mates, being ready to prove this testimony.

The fourth point is why did M.Zhivilo supposedly wishing to inculcate a poisoner on Tuleev's surrounding, address to Novosibirsk criminals, who can not do such a thing as they don't have influence in Kemerovskaya oblast because of geographical remoteness? Simply absurd to imagine that somebody wishing to add fairly good portion of salt to Moscow mayor's dish will address to Tulsky or Yaroslavsky criminals.

The fifth point is what did M.Zhivilo need to kill A.Tuleev for if M.Zhivilo had lost his business in Kemerovskaya oblast by that time? And in case of election a representative of "Sybirsky aluminium" or "Sybirskaya mining metallurgical company" would become the governor instead of prematurely deceased one as all the above mentioned companies have dominion over the region.

And at last, analyzing events, the ancient Romans always asked themselves "Who has an advantage?" It is obvious that it's disadvantageous for M.Zhivilo to eliminate the governor of Kemerovskaya oblast especially by such stupid way. There is no logic and sense in such attempted murder. What did M.Zhivilo get involved in such a business for if he would get nothing but risk much?

There are no answers. That is why the story with attempted murder is so doubtful. The joke "Consider the collapse of Tungussky meteorite as the first attempted murder of A.Tuleev" which was in TV program "Club of merry and quick-witted" seemed to be successful.

As to "Novaya Gazetta" besides doubtful materials and dubious journalists there are some interesting thoughts and talented journalists come across. Read the article "Capture" by Y.Kalinina (N 21/ 664). There, by the way, there are some words about M.Zhivilo: "If the president is changed those who staked on the other president would find themselves in the rubbish pit". The example is V.Gusinsky and Zhivilo brothers.

It's doubtful whether V.Putin personally controlled everything connected with M.Zhivilo. Mostly likely this is the business of court lackeys who are ready to reveal their toady's devotion in advance, just in case, and in addition for generous pay of competitors, using the moment for the redivision of the property.

Thus, my dear readers follow the M.Zhivilo's fortune – this is the mirror of democratic processes in Russia.

God forbid M.Zhivilo will be extradited. Then the inspiration will come to the initiators of the attempted murder inquiry which will lead to the possibility of becoming a "villain" or a "terrorist" for many great Russian businessmen as villains and the more so terrorists are people without rights. It is easy to take everything from them to propose instead only normal conditions of serving a term of imprisonment (without "press-huts", where criminals collaborating with authorities, beat unmercifully prisoners, making them cripple, without isolation ward and disciplinary cell for far-fetched misdeeds, etc). But with such tempting perspective it should be mentioned for the initiators that they are also great owners. And it may happen that today the authority has a rest at their ski resort and tomorrow they will have a rest at a Siberia authority's resort behind barbed wire. It is easy to let the genie out of the bottle but sometimes it's very difficult to drive him back into the bottle.

The Russian national idea is being agonizingly long invented and hasn't been invented yet. Either greatness or something else agitates inventors' minds. But the idea is simple has been known for several thousands years: "Let the Empire collapse but the justice triumph". Only then Russia will stop being the country of slaves and masters, the country where a guilty person can be appointed.

Lieutenant-colonel Bogun.

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